“Persepolis” is an animated movie based on Marjane Satrapi’s autobiographical graphic novel which tells her story from the time she was a child until her early adulthood. A small animated black and white masterpiece, that in my opinion deserved the Oscar for the best animated feature film of the year in 2008.
The movie starts off in 1979 in Tehran when Marjane was only a 9 year old kid. Coming from a Marxist family, Marjane watches the fall of the Shah, a historic moment that is heavily celebrated among Satrapi’s household. The fall of the Shah represented a new hope for a bright and modern future in the country. However, things don’t really work that way, and instead of a modern and free country, religious fundamentalists take over, the veil becomes mandatory and social freedoms quickly start to disappear. Too rebellious to live in a society like this, Marjane soon starts to develop her curiosity over the western world. Getting Michael Jackon’s tapes in the black market, or using the veil while wearing a jacket with “Punk’s not Dead” scrawled in the back, are just some of the examples that demonstrate this kid’s unconformity towards the society she lives in.
Things get a lot worse when Iran goes to war with Iraq, and so, in order to preserve the safety of the child, Marjane’s parents send her to a French school in Austria. A new journey begins. While she struggles to fit in the western society, Marjane meets a group of anarchist and nihilist friends. She starts going to punk rock concerts and loses herself for a while in some alternative cultures. It doesn’t take long until Marjane starts realizing that the nihilist culture that she just met isn’t exactly what fills her heart. Two options arise. Either Marjane’s gives up her family and home, or she can lose her individuality and freedom and go back to Iran.
Marjane chooses to go back to Iran and start a new life. She gets married but after a while she gets tired of her new meaningless life in a society that doesn’t accept her curiosity and modern ideals. Tehran was not the place for Marjane. As expected, she leaves her husband and decides to go back to Europe.
Well, if after reading this you’re expecting a melodramatic movie you have the wrong picture here! “Persepolis” is full of hilarious moments, with lots of satire and funny inteligent moments. We do have some political moments but always presented in a very smooth and smart way. The character of Marjane’s grandmother as progressive feminist old lady is superbly done. Some of the best moments will evolve around the relationship between Marjane and her grandmother, which as I said is probably one of the best characters in the movie. Also, the movie is in French, but even if I could, I wouldn’t change it into English. It sounds perfect the way it is!
“Persepolis” is really unique, and in an age where computer-driven animation seemed to have taken over, this movie feels refreshing and makes us remember the beauty of the old school animated movies. I would say a 9 out of 10, within its genre.
quarta-feira, março 31, 2010
quinta-feira, março 18, 2010
Happy B-Day
As far as I remember, this dog is probably my oldest friend! When I mean friend, I mean the real ones, and believe me, there are not that many! Sorry I won't be there for the traditional dinner and booze, but I wish you the best birthday ever! Soon enough we'll be having some beers and tearing down some walls ahahah! All the best for you my brother!
terça-feira, março 09, 2010
Cologne, March 2010
This week I'll be too busy taking care of a presentation for my course, so next weekend I'll post a review of this night of concerts. Seriously, it surpassed all my expectations. Respect to the German crowd that was there last night! Way way better than the Dutch! Completely insane...
I didn't get that much sleep at the hostel though. The couch awaits me!
Live Shows,
Personal Stuff
quarta-feira, março 03, 2010
Good News!!!
Close to my place, and only for 12.50€ ? Cool!
I would probably prefer to see H2O along with my friends in Portugal, but this one will have to do it!
Live Shows,
terça-feira, março 02, 2010
segunda-feira, março 01, 2010
Things happen that way
Well you ask me if I'll forget my baby.
I guess I will, someday.
I don't like it but I guess things happen that way.
You ask me if I'll get along.
I guess I will, someway.
I don't like it but I guess things happen that way.
God gave me that girl to lean on,
then he put me on my own.
Heaven help me be a man
and have the strength to stand alone.
I don't like it but I guess things happen that way.
You ask me if I'll miss her kisses.
I guess I will, everyday.
I don't like it but I guess things happen that way.
You ask me if I'll find another.
I don't know. I can't say.
I don't like it but I guess things happen that way.
God gave me that girl to lean on,
then he put me on my own.
Heaven help me be a man
and have the strength to stand alone.
I don't like it but I guess things happen that way.
Johnny Cash - Guess things happen that way
Personal Stuff
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