terça-feira, maio 12, 2009

10 Videogames – 1 Life [Part 1]

The videogames presented here aren’t necessarily the 10 best ever, but they sure are the classics that meant the most to me. Even though I still am quite nerdy about videogames, I just don’t have the time to play them. Moreover, I do think that the best era of videogames has already finished, and I just don't get excited looking at the new titles coming to the market. They can have the best graphics, they can offer truly cinematic experiences, but they lack that feeling of addiction, the storylines just aren’t convincing enough, and most of all, there’s nothing really innovative coming to the stores. Whenever I feel like playing a real game, you’ll probably see me going back to the old classics, playing on 128/32/16 bit consoles.

Enough of this old conservative bastard talk. Let’s move on to the games.

The first game I have ever played. For many gamers around the world, it still is the most revolutionary game ever. I was never one of those Super Mario addicts that buy all different versions and every single sequel, but I could never begin this list without putting Super Mario Bros in first place.

Still on Nintendo, the Duck Hunt and the classic Contra were two of the games that I played the most during my childhood. I remember having a Nintendo gun and making competitions with my father hunting ducks and loosing several games in a row ahahah! Then I would invite some kids over to my place to spend hours playing the multiplayer version of Contra. We were probably in 2nd grade at school and all we wanted was to hear gunfire and destroy every single enemy across the different scenarios.

Then came the Christmas when my parents offered me the Sega Saturn. Euro 96 was kind of a shitty game, but it was the first football game that I really owned and the game featured the voice of Jorge Perestrelo – the first game ever with Portuguese commentaries. Duke Nukem 3D was one of my favorites for the Saturn. At the time it was the perfect shoot ‘em up! Hang around the city killing some alien pigs and giving money to the strippers to show us their alien tits! Ahahaha this shit was awesome, I was still a young kid and my mother would be pissed every time she saw me playing this “awful game”.

The games that came next were different in their content, were more complex, and many of them became real icons in the videogame industry.

(End of Part 1)

7 comentários:

Maria disse...

JOGO DOS PATOOOOS!! loool gosto muito, ainda tenho aqui em casa a minha pistola ehehe! Dai só jogava aos patos,ao supermario e claro ao futebol com o meu irmão, mas nunca fui lá mt boa no futebol sempre foi teclas ao calhas e seja o k for ;) Pena n saber dos cabos da minha "nintendo" para matarmos uns patos, pk com a wii n gosto, perco sempre!! LOVE YOU@

p{H}antasma disse...

Voltando ao meu ponto de ordem sempre que toco neste assunto: World Cup Italia '90.

E devo ainda acrescentar que o PES6 já ocupou um cantinho no meu <3 LOLOL!

Vanessa disse...

pa super mario ganha qq um!!!!
muitooo bom!saudades desse game :)

Maria disse...

Kerias era alien tits!!!!!

João Daniel disse...

Eu acho que Strrets of Rage é obrigatorio!

p{H}antasma disse...

True, Streets of Rage é incontornável! Sempre quis ter o estilo do black a saltar LOL!

Lemos disse...

Pah tenho que comentar isto... LOL

Streets of Rage de facto é incontornável, foi aquele jogo que veio com a Mega Drive e joguei desde o inicio normalmente com amigos a limpar aquelas ruas mas o que tem piada é que só o consegui acabar finalmente há coisa de 2 meses a jogar com o meu primo já em emulador lol

Boa iniciativa, bom post e viva a nostalgia! ahaha

P.S. Não é "o black", é o Adam sff! LOL
