terça-feira, junho 09, 2009

Never Fail

Yesterday I got the chance of watching a band in the studio recording its first demo. I just couldn’t be more amazed with what I saw. I went to bed thinking “man I wish I had a band!!”. I’ve always loved music, but until yesterday I had never had the opportunity to really see how things are done.

When my friend PZ from the band first invited me to help them out with the group vocals, I had no idea of what it was going to be like. By the time I got there the drums were already recorded, and they were now entering in the guitars stage. I ended up watching the whole recording of the guitars, the bass, the voice, and I even got the chance to participate in the group vocals! How cool is that!!?

But what really amazed me was the whole feeling inside the studio. First of all it was such an amazing place! When I first saw it from the outside my impression wasn’t too good, but then, when I entered the studio I just couldn’t believe the great conditions that were being provided to the band. Then, I never thought that it could be so much fun to record some tracks! Although the members of the band have to be serious and even work hard while recording, they do it with an unbelievable pleasure! From the beginning up until the end, everything went smoothly with lots of laughs among the people who were there, always with the “Thug Monster” (a kind of a special guest) taking the fun to another level, and still, demonstrating that he also knows about this recording stuff by providing good opinions to improve the recorded tracks. The other good thing about watching these guys recording is that I left the place already knowing their tracks from listening to them so many times in the studio ahahah!

I really gotta thank my friend PZ who gave me the chance to experience such a great night!
Oh and by the way, the band is called Never Fail. It is a brand new project from a group of guys that has been around in the Hardcore scene for some years now. If you’re up to some old school shit, I’m sure you’re gonna dig this!

Check out their Myspace, they'll probably upload the tracks soon.

5 comentários:

Ema disse...

ficaste maravilhado! ahahahah, gostei muito de ler esta tua review, sobretudo a tua admiração por todos os detalhes, tipo puto que entra pela primeira vez numa loja de brinquedos! lol faz-me lembrar quando eu era mesmo super puto e comecei a entrar nestas cenas...é um mundo por explorar mesmo, e tu so viste um excerto bem pequeno!

Vanessa disse...

ya é mesmo o que o ema diz é fixe ver como vibraste com uma cena nova,deixa tar que eu sou igual!
ai faltava aí eu ahahaha
dor de dentes horrivel =(

Maria disse...

ahaha tavas ali todo empenhado a cantar e a sentir a música LOOOL boo todos sabemos que tens uma colocação de voz k abusa de qualquer um, até da melissa tadinha sempre tão invejosa da tua colocação LOOOOL love youuuuuu@@

João Daniel disse...

apesar de cobrar um cachet elevado, se precisarem de um guitarrista estou dísponível...

p{H}antasma disse...

Eu cá só acordeão, orgão da casio ou flauta da honner. Com muita sorte.