Even though I’m not a big fan of zombie movies, last night I decided to give Danny Boyle’s movie a try. Surprisingly, or not, “28 Days Later” is a very entertaining movie. It all starts with a group of activists who get into a laboratory to set free some chimpanzees that were being subject to experiments. What these activists didn’t know was that the chimpanzees were infected with a highly contagious virus that causes rage. 28 days later, Jim – the main character – wakes up from a coma in a hospital. Soon he realizes that he is all by himself in an abandoned city infested by zombies. During his quest to find a “promised paradise” where the cure was already available, Jim meets some other survivors that will join him in his “adventure”. By the scenario set up here, we could say that it’s just another zombie’s movie, but actually, what makes this a good movie, is the emphasis that Boyle puts on the human relationships and on the brutal truth about the human nature when it comes to survival. Regarding this last point, Boyle could have a gone a little bit further in exploring this topic, but I don’t think that was his main priority when he was creating this movie.
One last note must be made for the beautiful shots of the abandoned London, the burning Manchester, and their amazing surrounding landscapes.
I wouldn’t say this is a must-see movie, but it certainly qualifies as one within its genre.

And since Carnival week is still going here in Maastricht and I don’t have to worry about waking up and going to school, me and my roommate decided to go for another movie. This time we picked one that has been in my “must-download" list for quite a while now. “Let the right one in” is probably one of the most beautiful and disturbing movies I’ve watched in the past few months.
“I was expecting some blood and some scary stuff, but instead I think I got the most unexpected film experience so far this year. I mean, this movie is really good!” by WalkTheWalk
For this one I’m not even going to write a small review. Instead, I’m going to give you the link for the review that motivated me to watch this movie, which basically says everything I would say about it. Complete review here: http://walkthiswalk.wordpress.com/2009/07/16/let-the-right-one-in/
6 comentários:
o Let the right one in deve ser dos melhores filmes que vi este ano por acaso.
concordo com as opiniões dos dois sobre o filme, aliás quando comecei a ver também tive a ideia de que iria ser um pouco para o "assustador" mas acaba por não ter mesmo nada essa intenção. Acho que o facto de ser com crianças ainda faz com que o filme seja mais perturbador, visto que a história e tudo mais é forte. muito bom.
ya o let the right one in é lindo o outro ainda n vi
impressionante como venho ao teu blog e encontro logo um dos meus filmes favoritos, 28 dias depois.
nao falar sobre o filme porque ja falaste e bem dele, so referir a parte do jim sozinho a andar pela cidade com a east hastings de fundo de GSBE!.5*
quanto a india man, so lhe falta o rock n roll foda.se
ando a morrer por concertos e ja ando a ressacar pra crlh.
nao ha nada de gigs man.
arranjamos umas colunas la pa casa ae ja da pra ovir melhor som, somos 1 a viver numa casinha nos arredores da cidade.hahaha.
daniel, grane abraco,
em maio iremos voltar aos gigs
tenho mesmo de ver esse ultimo =)
Vê o Trainspotting do Danny Boyle também. Recomendadíssimo. Esse 28 days after passou para a "lista".
Quanto ao Let the right one in é pura poesia.
txeuéeeeeee até corei! ahah, obrigado pelo link e pelas palavras, e realmente o filme é bom demais.
o 28 days later é bastante acima da média no que toca ao género de filme que é...tem aquele toque mais raw e britânico. aproveita o embalo e saca o 28 weeks later, ja não é do Boyle e já é muito mais americanizado e comercial, mas não deixa de ser um bom entretenimento!
fat props! abraço*
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