Yes, it’s an inspiring story. Yes, it’s an entertaining movie to watch with your family on a Saturday night. And yes, Sandra Bullock has had a good career throughout the years. But no, she didn’t deserve an Oscar for this one. She does a good job playing a caring and altruist mother that adopts a homeless kid and turns him into a big champion, but that by itself shouldn’t award her an Oscar. It was not that much of a complex role to play, and I’ve seen many actresses being nominated and losing with a lot better performances.
I must add that I’m not aware of the other actresses that were nominated along with Sandra Bullock, so it is possible that I’m being a bit unfair here. For me it was the way that the Academy found to acknowledge Bullock as one of the big ladies in Hollywood (a statement that may generate some discussion among the critics).
2 comentários:
vi o filme e ando para escrever no blog à cerca também.
É ok o filme, mas a história já está vista e revista, sim, a Bullock não merece o óscar.
não me consigo lembrar de nenhum filme que a Sandrita tenha feito que me tenha marcado...por isso acho que a carreira dela bem que podia tar melhor ahah. tenho que ver para dar a minha opinião, mas pelas reviews que tenho lido, esta incluída, as expectativas vão baixas...
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