Its guys like these that remind that I have a blog to post some stuff that I find interesting. This time it was the lead singer from Baroness that really got my attention with his artworks. I knew some of his illustrations from Kylesa and Baroness, which by the way were pretty awesome, but I had no idea of how good this guy was. I dug some information on him, and I was amazed at the number of projects with which he has already been involved. Besides the already mentioned Kylesa and Baroness, Baizley has already contributed with some sick artwork for bands like Pig Destroyer, Darkest Hour, Kvelertak or Vitamin X. I’ll leave you with some examples of his artwork but don’t hesitate to look the internet for some more. It’s really worth it.
1 comentário:
tchiii agora que revi essa capa de Darkest Hour é que me apercebi que também era dele! o gajo é um abuso mesmo, e tem um estilo bue distinto!
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