terça-feira, janeiro 28, 2014

Traffic Jams

If there is an accident or it rains during the next World Cup, the games in São Paulo will be postponed 1 week (at least). That should be enough for the teams to make it to the stadiums.

You ain’t never seen a traffic jam until you come to São Paulo.

segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2014

Welcome home

It’s kind of a tiring discussion, the one about whether it makes sense to love a team and being able to truly suffer and rejoice with their losses and wins. I’m on the side of those who live all the moments of a team as if they were part of it. I like to think it all has to do with empathy, but more than that, it has to do with the feeling of belonging. Something about that team makes you want to belong there. I really am not the best guy when it comes to picking a team to support. Well, it actually depends on the way you look at it, but when it comes to winning titles, my oh my, it usually doesn’t go right for me. Still, as most of you know, I’m one of those Boston Celtics hardcore fans. I’m 27 years old now, and unfortunately I only got to see my team winning one title – the 2007/2008 championship. This is the moment you ask – why the hell would someone, who was born in 87, want to belong to these Celtics franchise?

The players that wear that green and white jersey, they are the reason why you want, in your own way, belong to the franchise. Yesterday’s game was an emotional one for any Celtics fan. Two of those players that make you want to be a Celtics fan returned home, now playing for another team, but still deserving a huge tribute from every single fan at the TD Garden. Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce returned to Boston for the first time since they were dealt to Brooklyn. I followed KG since he was a young wolf playing for Minnesota, and when he came to Boston in 2007 I knew he would be one of the green future references. In the end, he counts 6 solid years with the Celtics and one Championship ring. But my friends, even though I love Garnett, Paul Pierce is one of those players that alone can be the symbol of the franchise. “The Truth”, as once Shaquille O’Neal called him, was drafted in 1998 and played 15 seasons for the Celtics, becoming third in franchise history in games played and second for most points scored. He was the one who carried Boston’s name when, for years, no one gave a shit about the franchise. When things were rough, he stood there. When things got better, he was the leader that we needed, and finally when he was given a chance to win his first championship, he took it! Just like Kobe will finish his career with the Lakers, just like Nowitzky will shoot his last fade way shot for the Mavericks, so should Pierce make his last “and one shot” playing for the Celtics. Sometimes, even the most rational management decisions have to consider what’s inside a player’s and fans hearts. Celtics General Manager decided only with his brain, and let one of our greatest players go away and finish his career somewhere else.

Even though we lost last night’s game, the standing ovations at the TD Garden, and the constant support from the fans to two adversary players, were something that I will never forget. I stood up from my couch and gave them both my own round of applause. To both of you, “Big Ticket” and “The Truth”, thank you.

sábado, janeiro 25, 2014

A not so “horrorshow” Clockwork Orange

Few can say that never heard of Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange. But I bet that many will say they never heard of Anthony Burgess’ Clockwork Orange. You will never hear me say that Kubrick didn’t produce a masterpiece. He did. I love everything there is to love about Kubrick’s work, and because of that, I almost feel sorry for having read the book that inspired one of his greatest movie pictures. It’s just that the book is so much more raw, so much more honest and real, and most of all, it delivers the message in such a more brutal way.

The essence of Alex is captured beautifully by Kubrick, but the surroundings, the victims, the small details that make your stomach twist and ache, those cannot even be compared when you read the book and you watch the movie. It may sound strange when I say that Kubrick softened the whole thing, but believe me, he did. For instance, in the movie Alex picks two teenagers about his age to go home, listen to classical music and have endless consented sex, while in the book he takes two ten year old girls to his place, gets them drunk and rapes them in such a horrific way.

But that really was not the point that made me consider the book far superior to the movie. Even though all the themes addressed in the book are explored in the movie, I would say that Kubrick fails to better portray the messages that underlie the entire book. The huge gap between the young and the old (Alex seems much more older in the movie), the lack of free choice, the society compliance with the manipulation of human lives, the mind alienation, the controversial fight between manipulated good and purest evil – all those themes are so much more overwhelmingly explored when you get to read the book. First question that comes to mind when you finish watching the movie is - where the hell is the final chapter of the book? Seriously, how can you leave aside such an important chapter as the final one, where everything ends up making sense and gives you that bit of optimistic and hopeful feeling that you wait for during the entire plot? From what I understood, Kubrick based his movie in the American version of the book, in which the final chapter is omitted. Such a shame.

Can a masterpiece be turned into a bit of a letdown? Was Kubrick that great when he set himself to put the Clockwork Orange in the big screen? Mixed feelings, “Oh my brothers”.

"O Limpa Vias", they used to call him

Yes, I’m back to writing. Yes, it has been four years since I’ve put some words of my own out to the online community. And yes, it’s still going to be in English. Living outside of the Netherlands has gotten my English too rusty. Currently living in Brazil and planning on living in an English speaking country some years from now, I would say that it’s time to get the thing going.

Reviews, opinions, music, pictures and a bunch of other stuff. Same old, same old.