terça-feira, março 18, 2014

Noite de Improviso + Il Trovatore

How good is it to experience different live shows and performances? Past week I had my first night of live improvisation comedy and went to my first opera ever.

Noite de Improviso @ Comedians

If you have been looking for a good live improv show, this is it! 3 guys on stage and 1 invited guest will assure that you laugh until you can’t take it no more. During approximately 1 hour and a half these guys will present you to several improv group techniques (some of them really impressive, requiring a very sharp memory), making the show really interactive with the crowd. As far as I’m concerned, maybe too interactive!!! No, it really is fine, but damn, from a crowd of two hundred people I was one the chosen targets! Basically I got to watch a guy performing Daniel Simoes as business consultant in the funniest situations picked out from the crowd ideas.

The venue – Comedians – is really impressive in the inside. You sit all around the stage in small 4 person tables, you can order different types of drinks and the food menu is really OK (mainly based on appetizers and small portions). The entrance is R$ 40 and the show will be on every Wednesday night at 9pm. Totally worth it!

Il Trovatore @ Theatro Municipal de São Paulo

I have wanted to go to an Opera since my sister got in the Conservatorio Nacional in Portugal. No better time than the season’s opening opera at Theatro Municipal. Il Trovatore is a famous four acts opera which premiered back in 1853 in Rome. It truly is a different experience. The acting and the music are both so powerful and intense that you are easily sucked into the story, even if you have a hard time understanding every piece of it. The Municipal Symphonic Orchestra of São Paulo is simply amazing, and even though it plays below the stage, it earned a round of applause as if they were as important as any of the main characters.

The Theatro Municipal of São Paulo, located in the city center, is a beautiful and historic place which definitely deserves a visit. For R$ 40 I got a decent seat (not sure if me and my girlfriend sat where we were supposed to though), and experienced some unique and truly astounding moments. Il Trovatore will be on until the 22nd of March during different days of the week. An experience that I will repeat for sure!

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